HoorSun Nab Sanat

Touch the art of engineering.

HoorSun Nab Sanat

Smart Engineering Company

About us

Hoorsun Nab Sanat is a modern engineering company with three active departments in the fields of renewable energies, control & instrumentation and engineering design in oil & gas and power plant industries.

Hoorsun Nab Sanat believes that each project is an art work at the end an the process on action should be safe and enjoyable.

HoorSunNab Solar

Renewable Energies Department

Hoorsun Nab Sanat is a modern engineering company with three active departments in the fields of renewable energies, control & instrumentation and engineering design in oil & gas and power plant industries.

Hoorsun Nab Sanat believes that each project is an art work at the end an the process on action should be safe and enjoyable.

Instrumentation & Control Department

Hoorsun Nab Sanat is a modern engineering company with three active departments in the fields of renewable energies, control & instrumentation and engineering design in oil & gas and power plant industries.

Hoorsun Nab Sanat believes that each project is an art work at the end an the process on action should be safe and enjoyable.

HoorSunNab Instrumentation

Engineering Department

Hoorsun Nab Sanat is a modern engineering company with three active departments in the fields of renewable energies, control & instrumentation and engineering design in oil & gas and power plant industries.

Hoorsun Nab Sanat believes that each project is an art work at the end an the process on action should be safe and enjoyable.

Touch the art of engineering.

Hoorsun Nab Sanat is a member of association of manufacturers and suppliers of renewable energy goods and services.